Griffinin syyläri ja vihree neste on harrasteautoiluun keskittyvä verkkosivusto, joka tarjoaa sisältöä harrastajien ja rakentajien tarpeisiin. Epäasiallinen ja loukkaava sisältö, joka rikkoo sivuston käyttöehtoja, poistetaan. Näin eivät myöskään poliittinen keskustelu ja aiheet sinne kuulu. Harrastus on yhteinen poliittisesta kannasta riippumatta. Overdriven yleiset käyttöehdot löytyvät täältä, ja on hyvä muistaa, että jokainen keskustelija on rikos- ja vahingonkorvausoikeudellisessa vastuussa omien viestiensä sisällöstä.

Ketju osiossa 'Moottori', aloittaja Pikku-Kalle, 16.1.2021.

  1. Olisko tästä apua:

    Additive packages will typically include silicates, phosphates (light duty and passenger cars), or nitrates, molybdates (heavy duty and diesel applications). Several different coolant types and additive packages are used, including:

    HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology)
    IAT (Inorganic Acid Technology)
    NOAT (Nitrate Organic Acid Technology)
    OAT (Organic Acid Technology)
    SiOAT (Silicone Organic Acid Technology)
    PHOAT (Phosphate Hybrid Organic Acid Technology)
    Glysatin (G48)

    IAT — This is the old-style, green coolant used by American and Asian applications. European applications were typically dyed blue. IAT was used by GM up to 1996, Ford up to 2002-2003, and Chrysler up to 2001. IAT uses a phosphate-silicate additive package that provides good protection for cast iron, aluminum, brass, and copper parts, but its life expectancy is lower than the extended life coolants. Typical life expectancy is in the 2-year/30,000-mile range.

    OAT (Figure 1) — OAT technology doesn’t use phosphates or silicate additive packages as in IAT coolants. Corrosion inhibitors such as sebacate and 2-ethylhexanoic acid are used instead. This type of additive package lasts much longer than those used in IAT coolant.

    The most common type of OAT coolant is Dex Cool, which is dyed orange. Other manufacturers, such as late-model VW/Audi (pink or red), late model Dodge/Chrysler (purple) and Honda (dark green) also use OAT technology. OAT won’t protect brass and copper components used in earlier model cooling systems. Some diesel applications require HD OAT coolant as it is nitrate free.

    OAT is an extended life coolant with a life expectancy of 5 years/150,000 miles. Most universal coolants are OAT designs.

    HOAT (Figure 2) — HOAT technology contains organic acids and several inorganic additives. HOAT applications typically contain silicate. This works great for aluminum engine and cooling system components. The most common types of HOAT fall into specifications G0-5, G-11 or G-12 (typically yellow, orange, purple or pink), which is recommended by many manufacturers such as Chrysler, Ford, Mercedes, BMW, Volvo and Mini Cooper applications. Generally, this type of coolant has a life expectancy of up to 10 years/180,000 miles.

    PHOAT (Figure 3) — The difference between HOAT and PHOAT is the primary additive component, which uses phosphates rather than silicate. Honda, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, Subaru, and Nissan typically recommend this type of coolant. Many of the aftermarket coolant manufacturers will specify “For Asian Vehicles” on the container and it is often red or blue in color.

    SIOAT — This application basically adds silicates to the coolant additive package. It is used by VW/ Audi (G-12++, G-13) Mercedes (325.5 pink) and it is one of the newest coolant designs on the market.

    Glysatin — Glysatin (G48) was developed primarily for the European markets and is recommended for several applications such as BMW, Mercedes, VW/Skoda/Seat/ Porsche, and Opel/Saab. G48 is an ethylene glycol product that uses 2-ethylhexanoic acid, sodium salt and is nitrate, amine, and phosphate free. It is typically dyed blue or green.
    Jarzas tykkää tästä.
  2. Jarzas

    Jarzas 1st gear

    Kiitoksia, jos ei muuta niin ainakin tieto lisää tuskaa vai miten se meni :odbiggrin:
    Toi lehtijutun vinkki nesteen vanhenemisen/johtavuuden mittaamisesta jännitemittarilla oli täysin uutta.

Kerro tästä muillekin!